Stun-Cuffs - Tools or Torture?

2 years ago

Modern Tool or Medieval Torture?

These "Stun Cuffs" have been around for about a decade and have evolved quite a bit since their
introduction into law enforcement's lexicon of equipment. From first being used for the
transportation of prisoners utilizing 50,000 volts worn on the wrists, to being used for
everything from the former, to prison yard supervision, probation monitoring, and behavioral
modification devices utilizing 80,000 volts worn on all fours. Talk about "Pavlov's Dog". IMO,
these are degrading, sadistic torture devices. Handcuffs are one thing and necessary of course,
these Stun Cuffs on the other hand are not only unnecessary, they are barbaric in nature as well.
Notice on the "Inmate Notification of Stun-Cuff Use" form, the actions that will result in
getting stunned, or their justification for using the Stun-Cuffs to shock an inmate.
One of them is simply the officer losing vision of the inmate he's in charge of. Yeah,
no room for abuse on that criteria. (The officer can simply turn around so he can't see you,
and ZAP you get fried for a few seconds because he "Lost vision of you"). Better hope he
likes you or you're in for a world of torment from him for sure. What do you guys think?
Is this just a modern tool for law enforcement or a medieval torture device for tyrants to get their jollies off of,...Thoughts?

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