Fox "Pride"

2 years ago

For the last quarter of a century, Fox News has been an outlet that sane people could turn to get get at least a somewhat fair reporting of the news. They seemed to be on our side, but it appears they have become woke as well. Red flags started appearing on election night with their dreadful corrupt coverage, calling Arizona way early, and not calling Florida and Ohio that President Trump easily won.
They have now fallen off the deep end though. Recently, Dana Perino introduced a story about a family with a GIRL that was claimed to be "transitioning" into a boy. TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE and CHILD ABUSE TO THE HILT, but Fox treats it as normal. Sickening, not many places left for sane people to turn.
Many institutions, including Major League Baseball, have gone MAD with their support of the LGBTQ EVIL. The Detroit Tigers had a "Pride Night" where they sent some of the proceeds to an organization that helps fund surgery for CHILDREN who are being brainwashed into transitioning into the opposite gender. PURE EVIL. Again, it is impossible to change one's gender, but it is GTOTALLY WARPED to want to.
The Milwaukee Brewers had a Drag Queen night, no doubt with many families in attendance. Again, so sick and evil.
Society is coming off the rails in a major way and the LGBTQXYZ123 madness is a major part of the reason. Whenever society gets away from sex being a beautiful part of marriage between a man an a woman to have children, all HELL breaks loose, which is what is happening in society or decades. There is an all-out Marxist assault on the family and religion. It's all about power and control. Tyrants know that if they can get society enslaved by sexual passions, the populace will be a pushover to enslave overall.

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