MonkeyPox Vax Connection Supporting 2000 Mules Uvalde a Cartel Hit Job

2 years ago

Dr Judy Mikovits explains the connection between the Vax and monkey pox. Also explains the fallacies of Darwinism and Scientism and shows how God is revealed in molecular research.
Hans Von Spakovsky a former DOJ Prosecutor and FEC Commissioner discusses the evidence presented in Dinesh DeSousa's 2000 Mules and answers from a former prosecutors perspective, why it warrants further investigation.
Pastor Greg discusses Darwin, India and introduces Sheila Holm and a small portion of her miraculous story.
Victor Avila retired Special Agent and author of Agent Under Fire uses his vast experience to discuss the pieces of evidence that should cause an investigation into the involvement of the cartels in the Uvalde shooter and shooting.

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