High Quality Radio Recordings | Those Were the Days | Saturday, November 24th 1979

4 years ago

CINNAMON BEAR (1937) Chapter 7 - Presto
the Magician. (13:05)

CINNAMON BEAR (1937) Chapter 8 - Cap-
tured by Pirates. (12:40)

THE WHISTLER (12-24-50) "Three Wise
Guys" is a Damon Runyon story based on the
Nativity. Cast includes JOhn Brown, Marvin
Miller and Bill Forman. Signal Oil Co., CBS-
West. (11:23; 8:11; 8:14)

CHRISTMAS FANTASY (1940s) The Christmas
Jewel. (7:50)

SUSPENSE (12-22-49) "Double Entry" stars
Eddie Cantor in "an unusual story of lcerical
crime at Christmas time." Eddie helps his co-
worker get money so he can return embezzled
money. Auto-Lite, CBS. (16:25; 13:10)

CHRISTMAS FANTASY (1940s) Santa is
Where You Find Him. (7:27)

BOB HOPE SHOW (1953) From Long Beach
Veterans' Hospital, Bob prepares for Christmas
with Bill Goodwin, Margaret Whiting, Frank
Nelson, Sheldon Leonard and Jim Backus.
Nelson is the floor walker in a department store!
AFRS Rebroadcast. (12:25; 12:00)

CHRISTMAS FANTASY (1940s) Story of
Robert Herrick, a Seventh Child. (6:15)

CINNNAMON BEAR (1937) Chapter 9 - The
house of the WIntergreen Witch. (12:50)

CINNAMON BEAR (1937) Chapter 10 -
Through the Magic Picture. (13:15)

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