High mare teaches lower mare her place - back end kicking session. Demonstration of herd dynamics.

4 years ago

Herd Dynamics. Moving herd to a new pasture. Lead mare teaches lower mare who's boss.
After moving the horses across to a new property, I let the remaining two horses in with the herd. There was a challenge between two young mares, the palomino and the dark bay. The chestnut gelding is the herd leader and you can see he is the only horse that gets anywhere near the mares while they are challenging. The small bay is also a gelding and takes his lessons off the older gelding, but does not have the same power.
The two larger mares, black and dark bay quietly direct the younger lower mare to stay with them.
In the background through all this a small bay mare watches it all from a safe distance.
A few background facts. The palomino and the small bay filly are both brumbies and spent their formative years in the wild. They know how to talk horse. I learn a lot from them.

I don't need to interfere, I allow them to sort it out. I have an elderly horse and she is kept out of this paddock to avoid injuries. These young ones seem to know how to take care of themselves.

The two brumbies have halters and lead ropes on after letting them loose into the paddock, after which they were removed.

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