Introducing... Nourish My Soul. My nonprofit.

2 years ago

I have been conflicted for months over how I can help more within this movement for freedom. Ive spoken out since day one. I've traveled all over the country to shout from the rooftops. But I was just very unsure how I could do more. What was my action steps in helping people begin to heal?

With the help of @wagthedoginc we came up with a way to put my healing magic into an actual functional program to help funds become available for people that truly need it through holistic healing modalities.

We launched this past week and we are so excited to announce our tickets for our SOUL RETREAT IN TULUM MEXICO go on sale WEDNESDAY JUNE 15TH. I'm beyond ecstatic to spend 4 days with any of you who attend. ALL ARE WELCOME. ALL.

There will be discounts on tickets. A portion of ticketing will go into our scholarship programs, and you may make a tax deductible donation to our non profit at NOURISHMYSOULRETREATS.ORG

Krystal Tini, Founder @krystaltini

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