No Scouting For Food This Year - Nov 13, 2020 Episode

4 years ago

As is always the case, the health and safety of our members, leaders, and parents continues to be paramount. After careful consideration of the rapidly rising COVID-19 cases, and to ensure alignment with the rapidly changing guidelines from health departments and political leaders, the leadership of the Greater St. Louis Area Council has made the decision to modify our Scouting for Food drive.

Scouts are NOT to distribute Scouting for Food bags on November 14th. With no bags out, we will not be picking up bags on November 21st.

Scouting for Food update: There are still two ways to support the annual food drive, through (1) donating food at drop off locations, which can be found here: and 2) Donating through our text to give campaign – Text SCOUTFOOD to 91999 to donate. Every dollar donated goes to support the food pantries that serve the zip code of the donor. Please share to help spread the word!

Donations this year are going to be more important now than ever before.
Ways to give:
1) Donate through our text-to-give campaign – Text "SCOUTFOOD" to 91999 to donate
2) Food collection at a retail collection site near you – locations to be released

#ScoutsStandOut #StlBSA #ScoutingForFood

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