NEVER SEEN BEFORE UFOs and Alien Probes from Moon?!?!?!

2 years ago

Proof: Eight LEAKED TOP SECRET Video compilation of UFOs and ET Probes from various Secret Moon missions from 1970s and 80s

A lil tidbit for you...
Are Moon landings real?
It's absolutely real and not only that we have three bases on Moon and people go there on a daily basis for regular work, the travel time usually is no more than a few seconds to a minute which includes walking thru the corridors to reach your work area... we understand that it might be too much for you to handle psychologically but had to mention this... more photos and evidences are already produced in earlier posts...

About Earth Moon...
Moon is a spaceship. It was built on Jupiter about 38 million years ago. Between the time it was built and 15000 years ago it's been touring around our solar system. We are told by NASA that we have 9 planets in our solar systems, but there's actually 40 planets. Each of those planets have a civilization. And, each of those planets have moons that have civilizations. There's some much trade going on between all those planets both sociologically and technologically. Moon was towed in it's orbit to monitor us on Earth. Moon was towed into it's orbit about 15,000 years ago, just after the last ice age. The color of the daytime sky is saffron yellow. The temperature there is not as high as NASA claims, you can stand outside during the daytime.

Off-Planet bases...
There are 65 off-planet Earth human bases (includes operational by Mars Germans too) all over our solar system and our galaxy. And, each base could have at least 3,500 soldiers or more.

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