"Good heavens, are you still trying to win?"

4 years ago

Hello. My name is *Donald Trump*. You killed my *country*...

*You stole the election!*

"Stop saying that!"

Meme Characters:
• The USA and President Donald Trump (playing Inigo Montoya)
• Obama VP Joe Biden, Fox News, Sandra Smith, AP, Twitter, Fake News, AOC, BLM, and Antifa (as Count Tyrone Rugen)



Originally aired on Friday's episode of The Hake Report: 11/13/20 Fri: StopTheSteal.US | Black Callers; World Kindness Day https://youtu.be/hrN_grqqfYs?t=7253

ORIGINAL CLIP: The Princess Bride (11/12) Movie CLIP - My Name Is Inigo Montoya (1987) HD https://youtu.be/I73sP93-0xA

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