Ep 18 Bitcoin Atheists Pt 1, Knut Svanholm, BTC Sessions, Aleks Svetski, Wake Up Podcast

4 years ago

Joining me on Episode 18 of the Wake Up Podcast, and the third episode of the Hall of Fame Series are Knut Svanholm and Ben from BTC Sessions.

This episode is called "Bitcoin Atheists" and will have to be part 1 of 2 because there was so much to go through and we hit 3hrs already!

We dug into alot of things, including:

Definitions for:
- God
- Religion
- Prophets
- Spirituality
- A higher power
- Consciousness &
- A void that binds / the ultimate being
- Love & Connectedness
- Atheism
- Truth (although we didn't get into this enough)

- Is the bible agnostic, but the 'religionisation' of it & the subsequent institutionalisation is where the problem lies?

- Did Religion & the nation state initially help us transcend the version of power in place?

- Responsibility / removal of skin in the game is how the system rots.
- Were the message of texts like the bible were about taking responsibility in some sense?

- Bottom up VS top down transformation

Necessary step in the evolution of humans?
- Spiral Dynamics
- General history

Are we living in a Simulation??

Religion / Democracy & Time Preference (but will save this more for part 2).

This was a fantastic call & discussion.
Follow these fine gentlemen on Twitter and each of their other platforms:

@KnutSvanholm on twitter

BTC Sessions:
@BTCSessions on twitter.


Thanks again for listening.

Subscribe on YouTube, Anchor, Spotify:

And follow me on Twitter @AleksSvetski & https://svetski.medium.com
More coming soon!

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