An Homage to 2020. The Brave New 1984

4 years ago

Welcome to a Brave New 1984.

2020 has been the year in which:
- the truth has become heresy
- to think for yourself is illegal
- to speak up is frowned upon
- science is political opinion

George Orwell warned 70yrs ago in his seminal 1984. The harbingers of doom are:

- Double speak
- Elimination of vocabulary (cancel culture)
- Inversion of truth.

His examples were:
- War is Peace
- Ignorance is Strength
- Freedom is Slavery

And in 2020, the reality is:
- Intelligence is Sociopathy
- Critical Thinking is Terrorism
- Asymptomatic is Symptomatic
- Healthy is Diseased.

It's like we're living in a sado-masochistic episode of the twighlight zone.
Everything is upside down.


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