Lights Out - OTR Freaky Fest! - 1930s Horror Scary Creepy Old Time Radio Drama Fun!

2 years ago

Macabre Bizarre presents a frightening 6-pack of classic radio drama Lights Out, written and directed by radio legend Arch Oboler. So if you haven’t already…turn off your!

00:00 - The Dark - Original Broadcast Date December 29, 1937
(A frightening little tale that teaches you to be very, very afraid of the dark!)

07:23 - The Chicken Heart -- Original Broadcast Date March 10, 1937
(The dangers of scientific experimentation gone wrong…This is the 1970 rebroadcast from The Devil & Mr.O radio series.)

15:00 - Money, Money, Money - Original Broadcast Date August 05, 1936
(Greed and deadly disloyalty will always lead to your own horrible death. A lottery ticket, deep sea diving for gold, and a ghost's vengeance.)

44:45 - Mungahra - Original Broadcast Date October 27, 1942
(Stealing and murder of the natives will lay a heavy curse on your die in three days..)

01:08:22 - The Fast One - Original Broadcast Date October 14, 1936
(An amazing little chemical potion that allows a person to move and think fifty times faster than the normal human…how can this go possibly go wrong?!)

01:30:40 - Oxychloride X - Original Broadcast Date January 26, 1938
(Beware the revenge of the nerd!)

Lights Out was broadcast beginning in 1934 and ending in 1947. Many of the episodes were sponsored by the unique liver bile product, Ironized Yeast..

The sound quality on these shows may sound low fidelity to many listeners, however the recordings presented here are the highest quality copies available of these rare vintage radio broadcasts.

Public Domain Mark 1

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