#16 Talk with Yogi Amandeep Singh | Advaita Vedanta | Meditation | Pranayama | Mantra and more.

4 years ago

#16 Talk with Yogi Amandeep Singh | Advaita Vedanta | Meditation |
Pranayama | Mantra and more.

Namaste welcome to shamans shed. Today I am talking with Yogi Amandeep Singh. He is a a healer and teacher of Eastern spirituality and a regular speaker on international stages and Television with topics such as Healing, Non-duality (Advait), Mysticism, Zen, , Mindfulness, Yoga, Meditation and Self- realization .He is a master and scholar of Kundalini practices and holds retreats and classes all over the world from Vancouver to India. I am delighted to welcome Yogi Amandeep Singh to Shamans shed.

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#YogiAmandeepSingh #themakingofayogi #AdvaitaVedanta #psychedelics #shamansshed #Meditation #Kundalini #Kaliyuga #NewWorld #Rebirth #Spiritual #Spirituality

Yogi Amandeep Singh's website: https://www.yogiamandeepsingh.com Yogi Amandeep Singh's Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuJLBCBWieBYVx68y7whXbQ

00:00 Start
01:11 Yogi Amandeep’s Story
02:20 The importance of the breath and posture
04:17 The illusion of the material world
05:35 The 5 sheaths or Kosas that hide the real self
16:28 The four states of consciousness of the soul or Jiva
33:08 Ahamkara, the Ego....the villian of the great play
42:08 The Ego mask is an illusion, a superficial self
44:23 Using the OM or Omkara mantra in meditative and pranayama practices
48:50 The daily routine of a Yogi
55:10 Recommended readings
56:27 Practices for integrating non-duality
01:04:28 Kali Yuga..the end of a world cycle..?
01:09:15 A Yogi’s thoughts on the use of plant medicine/psychedelics
01:17:53 A common misperception of realising ‘Godhead’

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