Ep 27. The REMNANT. Francis Pouliot, Dave Bradley, Svetski, Wake Up Podcast

4 years ago

Ep 27 is a no holds barred, raw, honest and "straight to the core of the issue" podcast which pierces right through all the bullshit.

You know that when you've got myself, David & Francis on a podcast, you're going to get real talk - and no pussy footing around.

The world has been drowning in increasing levels of stupidity, and whilst the number of people willing to speak up is growing, they're all being censored left, right & centre.

In this podcast we cover the following:

- How the world is a disaster right now due to the renunciation fo responsibility, or in Francis's words; Ass covering & Plausible deniability.
- How Taleb succumbed to his theories and didn’t put them in practice. He took his skin out of the game
- Why Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged was an instruction manual, not a fictional story.
- How she was 100% accurate in the way she described the disillusionment of society.
- Why disputed Taleb's recent lunacy, his did accurately point out that people don’t actually care about inequality - they care when they know that the game is rigged.
- The problem is, the game IS rigged, and EVERYone is disillusioned, AND responsibility has been renounced.
- How the free market is being criminalised.
- Why the "public system" has perpetuated the removal of personal agency & responsibility

This is a killer podcast.
I wouldn't be surprised if this episode gets deleted, but time will tell.
In the meantime, listen, learn, share.

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Thanks again for listening.

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More coming soon!

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