Ep. 59 What is "The Meta"

3 years ago

Trav, aka Parabolic Trav, aka Meta Trav joins me for a multi-part series to discuss The Meta.

In episode 1, we're gonna explore the initial question.
Wtf is "The Meta"?

We start with a bit of background:
An origin story to know how and why he got to an understanding of 'the meta'.

- Personal life
- Inspirations
- Movies
- Texts / books / information

Nature / Nurture
- Why did you read that book in the first place?
- Why you? Why the book?

The meta: The way

Video game concept of Meta
- Life is a game
- Different evolutionary metas are like patch upgrades

Meta Timelines and periods:
- Erectus
- Sapien
- Eden
- Crisis
- Neolithic
- Jesus

Technology lead to individual hunting and feeling of possession of kill (tournament males, and accompanying hypergamy).

Property as unadapted patch upgrade, lead to maladapted emotions “envy, greed”.

Story of my journey with evolutionary biology/nutrition, owning health studio and fixing clients.

Hardware (body), firmware (adapted emotions), software upgrades (the bible meta-truths - fixing broken emotions, Abraham sacrificing son, Jesus fixing envy, lust, greed).

Key insights: natural, sexual and technological selection leads to tournament males, hypergamy, the need for the teachings of Jesus
Amalgamated idea of current Meta given different evolutionary metas

Jesus successfully integrated the tournament male.

Religion is like Bro Science.
"Feedback" oriented discovery.

The Bible is basically a book of Bro Science

Where do you get your teachings from Jesus?
- Old Testament
- Walter Wink (Jesus's third way)

Notes from Aleks
- Spiral Dynamics
- The territorial imperative
- The Japanese (bushido)
- The Chinese (The Tao)
- Stoics and the ancients

Must Reads
- The nurture assumption
- Paleo Manifesto by John Durant
- Walter Wink (Jesus's third way)
- Red Pill Christianity - Forrest Maready

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More coming soon!

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