Ep 43 Jane Gatsby Large 540p

3 years ago

On Ep 43, I’m joined by Jane Gatsby, host of the Wonderland Podcast, student of complexity, philosophy, liberty.

She’s a brilliant and extremely sharp young woman, with a curious mind and an extraordinary ability to simplify and explain complex topics including:

What is philosophy
What is epistemology
What is Metaphysics?
What is complexity theory?

Why does it matter / who needs it?

We dig into why these fields of study and thought matter.
How Complex systems are adaptive and emergent.
How they use random error to their advantage (Anti-fragility)

Agents, drives and signals

We talk about Bell curves VS Pareto distributions

Attempts by central planners to run complex systems top down, instead of leaving them to function bottom up

How using empirical methods to understand social sciences and phenomena is not a great idea, and how we should in fact get rid of social sciences all together.

Determinism & Liberty.

- Free Will.
- Are we part of the deterministic equation?
- Nature & Nurture
- Alan Watts & Decisions.

The structure of Freedom

- Politics is downstream from morality
- Rights VS Responsibilities
- The problem with majority (democracy)
- Who watches the watchmen (what keeps the people or the government in check?)
- Who is the final arbiter?
- Right: Coercion via Force
- Left: Coercion via Finance


“Might is Right” - is that really nature?
I’m not sure I agree with this, because might is a relative term.
Competence & Merit.

Royalism / Citadels.

Charter city states / citadels.
Trade offs to develop each along the way

Lose the patch, the realm becomes worthless
Protecting the borders is of highest import

Private land ownership
Is the royal not the private owner ?
Agree that it’s that which u can defend

Logging, fishing and pollution can only find equilibrium when there is a cost to the capital.
That requires private property.
The prince is the owner in this case, but he must remain at risk of challenge.
And the challenge must come from competing private property owners.
Hence the natural requirement for lords.

Monopolies mean no competition

100% agree with the patchwork model
But it requires competition.

This is why we cannot get there without bitcoin
The globalists can fund themselves through fiat, until it all blows up at least.


- Scale
- Remove the financial power
- Competition
- Separation of Money & state
- Dynamic InEquality / Casts /

Jordan Peterson & his misunderstanding of dynamic equality.

Money & Bitcoin

People sitting on their savings do NOT inhibit others from creating their own wealth.
People conflate money with wealth. One is fixed, the other is unlimited.

Purchasing power is what counts.

Income inequality is central to complexity.

Earning wealth no longer requires coercion
Fundamental change to existence

And…Jane introduces us to 5 thinkers who have influenced her, some of which you will probably already be familiar with:

- Ayn Rand
- Jordan Peterson
- Sam Harris
- Douglas Hofstadter
- Curtis Yarvin

Follow her on:

Twitter: @Jane_Gatsby
Instagram: @JaneGatsby
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/janegatsby

And definitely check out her Podcast “Wonderland”:


Thanks again for listening.
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- Twitter & IG @GhostOfSvetski / @AleksSvetski
- Mastodon & Clubhouse @Svetski
- Medium: https://svetski.medium.com

More coming soon!

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