Ep 66. Technology & Tournament Males (Meta Series Pt 2)

2 years ago

Trav, aka Parabolic Trav, aka Meta Trav joins me again for Part 2 of the Meta Series.

In episode 2, we dive into:

- Technology
- Tournament Males (what they are, how they arose)
- The Code of Man
- Frame
- Chivalry
- Polygamy
- Hypergamy
- Evolution
- Religion
- Morality
- Feminism
- Adaptation & Fitness

This episode (in fact, this entire Series) is one to be listened to over again.

Some highlights:

"Evolution is like a difficulty adjustment"

"We transcend the environment, and then warp/change it, so we're then un-adapated, and have to adapt once again."

"The transition process is a crisis"

"The full manifestation of frame is sovereignty."

"Morality is a constraint"
"Feminine is unconstrained instinctual, and hence immoral"

"Polygamy is unstable, and destabilises the era of the tournament male"

"Religion comes along with monogamy to correct the instability"

Evolutionary Pressure on humans occurs quicker than what we're told, eg:
- Modern Hysterics (Homo Hystericus)
- Homo Bitcoinicus

What it means to be a Tournament male:

The tournament male trains to master the exponential technology of the day that can transform effort into disproportionate returns

Size difference over the women. They need to be physically imposing, physically dangerous. You need to work out. Be strong. Know how to fight. Be healthy.

You need to be smart.

You have to combine the cerebral and physical

Courage. Must be willing to stomach risk.

Must have options, and the attitude that comes with that.

Highly Generous. Always sharing with the tribe, and the lower classes.

Care about their bloodline. You become a higher status and you want to instantiate that in your offspring. They optimise "pure blood".

They're immune to guilt and propaganda.

They understand brotherhood. Tournament males in a group are exponentially more powerful than singular, competitive males. The pair bonder may be jealous and more inclined to betray bro's for hoes.

They do what they want to do. They're not

They care about how they look. Best dressed in the cultures.

TM's are always king head first into entropy
Ability to find a balance between courage and stupidity.

You're willing to bear the consequences of the frame you've chosen to project.
Responsibility and the age of responsibility.

Bitcoin is perfect frame.

Frame is responsibility
- Standards
- Interests
- Habits

Reconciling religious guilt VS not having guilt as a framed man.

- Guilt is when you deviate or break frame.
- Our goal as men is to unite with the ultimate frame of the divine.

How do you build this frame?
- Together. Brotherhood.

There is so much more.
Just get your ass in there and listen

Oh...and a resource:

r/K selection theory (Stefan Molyneoux) (Gene wars)
K selected species

Follow Trav here:


Thanks again for listening.
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More coming soon!

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