Ep 45: Remnant Round 2. Francis Pouliot & John Vallis on The Wake Up Podcast

3 years ago

The latest REMNANT podcast, with Francis Pouliot, John Vallis & myself; Svetski.

If you're familiar with any of our work, you know what you're getting yourself into.

If you're not, then prepare to get riled up. This is a straight talking, no bullshit, unforgiving discussion about reality, Bitcoin, the sludge, the present, the future and the hero's journey.

The original Remnant Pod is here:

In this episode, we cover:
- The conference and the need for somewhere to fit in
- Protecting The Remnant Bloodline
- Competitive Dictatorships
- A New Age of Empires & Kings
- How to hook up with Bitcoiners in the Diaspora,
- What it means to be a hero.
- Fake VS Real Hero's
- Rite of Passage (King, Warrior, Magician, Lover)
- Maturing earlier.
- Sexual Market Value
- Elon is a DUMB CUNT & money transmission licenses
- Modernity has made humans into pets in the pursuit of safety & comfort instead of freedom & growth.

Much more as usual.
This is one of those conversations that get's better as it goes.

Remember to follow John & his work:
@JohnKVallis on Twitter

And Francis:


Thanks again for listening.
Subscribe on YouTube, Anchor, Spotify:


You can follow my work at:
- Twitter & IG @GhostOfSvetski
- Mastodon & Clubhouse @Svetski
- Medium: https://svetski.medium.com
- https://bitcoinmagazine.com/authors/aleksandarsvetski

More coming soon!

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