Ep. 60 Bitcoin as a Pioneer Species w/ Brandon Quittem

3 years ago

In Ep 60, one of my favourite Bitcoiners in the world, Brandon Quittem joins me to talk about #Bitcoin as a Pioneer Species.

He recently wrote an incredible essay, perhaps one of the GOAT's.
Exploring Bitcoin & Mining Through the Lens of Ecology

By @bquittem


In this episode, we explore ALOT.

Why both Energy & Energy industry is widely misunderstand,
How it results in poor decision making
Big climate and ESG is a scam → we need to wake people up (otherwise they’re just agents waiting to be activated)

Energy abundance SHOULD be universally desired (it fits the traditional progressive agenda, but they’re blind to it)
GDP per capita = directly correlated to energy consumption

Bitcoin mining is the hardest part of bitcoin

Bitcoin mining is everything you don’t understand about energy combined with everything you don’t understand about Bitcoin.

“There is no optimistic version of the future in which humanity does not use significantly more energy than it does today.”

Symbiosis: Miners + Energy producers
How life colonizes a desolate environment for the first time.
Miners = Citadel seeds

Central Planning VS Emergent Organic, Decentralised Calculation & Action.

The idiots want to simplify humanity into a linear system, and the only way to do that is to transform diverse individuals into automatons, or numbers on a spreadsheet.

We could just as easily be a failed experiment of life, but we won’t stop life

100bn people theory
Energy mastery
Stars & the Great Lie

Explore VS Exploit
Ecology is primarily about energy (base of pyramid is plants)

Difficulty adjustment (isle royale) -- wolves vs moose

Prediction 1: Bitcoin Mining leads to Energy Abundance
Prediction 2: Early adopter countries will leapfrog laggards
Prediction 3: The Great Spreading Out

These citadels must succeed, for they have an important duty.
They must preserve the spark of freedom, for I fear it’s more fragile than we know.
Freedom is upstream of prosperity

Must Read Books:

Vaclac Smil: Energy & Civilisation
Alex Epstein: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels
Bjorn Lomborg: False Alarm

Thankyou @bquittem for this magnificent piece and this conversation,.

The Bitcoin Times Ed 4 is now available for download, free. We will be publishing each edition, in high quality hard cover this year.
Keep an eye out for announcements and remember to follow and support each of the authors. Share their work far & wide

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