11/16/20 Mon: ANTIFA SCUM; The Great Reset; Redistribution of Ghettos

4 years ago

0:00 What I'll cover
4:19 MAGA vs BLM/Antifa
16:49 Based? Trump guy firing people
18:42 Super Chats
21:14 Nate in PA
32:11 Ted in HI
41:48 Mentally ill kids
51:01 Richard in SC
1:04:41 Break!
1:07:34 More Super Chats
1:09:56 Michael Greer on Agenda 21
1:15:33 Carl in TN
1:24:40 Trudeau: Great reset
1:26:53 Clinton judge for DACA
1:32:21 Candace Owens vs Harry Styles
1:36:06 Andrew Meyer for JLP
1:39:42 Art from OH
1:46:53 Rick in Hampton, VA
1:50:46 Russ in Hampton, VA
2:02:07 Thanks, all!

The Hake Report, Monday, November 16, 2020 – Also check out Hake News from today.
HOUR 1: Trump: “Human Radical Left garbage” and “ANTIFA SCUM” attack innocent Trump supporters. Trump lawyer Sidney Powell ("Licensed to Lie," 2014) says there’s evidence of vote switching. Children with mental health issues amid "pandemic" shutdowns.
HOUR 2: Catch Michael Greer 2018 interview on JLP about Agenda 21. Feds block Trump admin from ending illegal, unconstitutional DACA. Candace Owens smeared for saying something true about adult males like Harry Styles in dresses (on Vogue Magazine). Andrew Meyer urges you to follow JLPtalk on Twitter!

Nate from Pennsylvania I believe brought up John Fugelsang and illegal immigrant employment.
Ted from Hawaii talks about Antifa, I believe.
Richard from South Carolina warns about liberals and big box stores destroying towns.
Carl from Tennessee believes Trump is a Trojan Horse for forced UN vaccinations
Art from Ohio goes off on redistribution of ghettos
Rick from Hampton, VA asks about the election update: We shall see!
Russ from Hampton, VA insists Rick the caller is not Rick his brother. He argues about anger and health.

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2020/11/16/111620-mon-antifa-scum-the-great-reset-redistribution-of-ghettos

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church with for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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