“保險公司精算師都不會的數學題”,“可怕的數字”_號稱是新冠Covid疫情完美的疫苗,每“拯救一個孩子”就有“117位孩童被殺”!著名高質量創業成功企業家_Steve Kirsch計算給你知道~

2 years ago

Horrifying Numbers可怕的數字: How Many Children Die to the Vaccine for Each One We Might Save?

The Math

- 26 Dead Pre-Vaccine Rollout 疫苗推出前(22 Months)

- 26 Dead Post-Vaccine Rollout 疫苗推出後(7 Months)

- All-Cause Mortality Tripled全因死亡率增加三倍

- 200 Added Deaths per 100 Divided By 1.7 Max Possible Saved =

117 Killed per Each Child Saved If We Had a Perfect Vaccine

Steve Kirsch: "[Dr.] Toby Rogers did the same calculation, but he used the VAERS data, and you know what number he found? 117 kids killed for every kid we might save."


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