Quack, Quack!! How The Medical Industry Has Become God-Like!

4 years ago

How is it that people say today, "be careful he has compromised health and we need to make sure he is not compromised further with our potential for sickness.." (Such as that which is touted today?)

Is it not the true nature and even the responsibility to ascertain why in fact our people have breathing difficulties, why they have rashes, why they are tired, why they are anxious or do we just keep doing what is NOT working?

I am NOT a Quack and I also do not ascribe God-Like status to doctors. We all work for you!

I think you will just have to listen, I also bring up Dr. Malter's book: Shrinking the Judge Freeing the Inner Child! (Rick Malter, Ph.D., Rosalie Malter, M.A.)

Thank you for supporting me, it is in FACT, together we rise! My Sun (son) is watching over me and us! It's going to happen!

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