The Market Revolution in the United States | American History Flipped Classroom

3 years ago

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In the early 1800s in the United States, increased industrialization was a major portion of the Market Revolution as a result of the Industrial Revolution that had started in Britain. The Market Revolution would turn the United States into a capitalist society and gave many people more opportunities. Roads, canals, and bridges were built throughout the country. Journeys that used to take weeks were shortened to days. The west was open for exploration. Unfortunately, during this time period, the north and south would become more divided. More and more northern states gradually abolished the institution of slavery while the south became more dependent on it. Immigration would also greatly increase, and Irish, Germans, and Jews were not always welcomed. And, the gap between the rich and poor would continue to widen.

Industrial Revolution
Market Revolution
Cash economy
Transportation Revolution
Roads, railroads, and canals
Communications Revolution
Cyrus McCormick Reaper
John Deere Plow
Decline of slavery in the north / increase of slavery in the south
Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin
Lowell Mill Towns
Gender Roles
Nativist Movement (Know Nothing Party)

This is a typical high school American History lesson which can help high school students who need a little extra help in class. It can also give teachers ideas for their lessons.

The content follows the American Yawp online textbook:
This video follows Chapter 8.

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Image Credits:
Images used with permission
Slide 1: Market Revolution – American Yawp
Slide 2: Market Revolution – American Yawp
Slide 3: US History Timelines – TpT
Slide 4: St. Louis – American Yawp
Slide 5: Industrial Revolution – Wikimedia
Slide 6: Economic Development – American Yawp
Slide 7: Economic History – Wikimedia
Slide 8: Building Roads – Wikimedia
Slide 9: New Economic System: Panics – Brewminate
Slide 10: Locomotive – Wikimedia
Slide 11: Telegraph – Wikimedia
Slide 12: Henry David Thoreau – Wikimedia
Slide 13: McCormick Reaper; John Deere’s Plow
Slide 14: Illustration of Manhattan – Wikimedia
Slide 15: Frederick Douglass – Wikimedia; Mason-Dixon Line – World Atlas
Slide 16: Cotton Gin – Wikimedia
Slide 17: Lowell Mill Towns – Wikimedia
Slide 18: Industry – Wikimedia
Slide 19: Separate Spheres – Wikimedia
Slide 20: Immigrants – Wikimedia
Slide 21: Irish Cartoon – Wikimedia
Slide 22: Market Revolution – American Yawp

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