Riddles For Kids/ Funny Riddles For Kids / Riddle Me This

4 years ago

We are a homeschooling family with five kids at home, six kids total. Our channel is about large family life, homeschooling, and finding the blessing in everyday.

In today’s video Cullen and I thought it would be fun to go through some Riddles for Kids.
If you would like to participate, this is an open collab, you can make your own Riddles for Kids video using these riddles below and join in on the fun.

Please mention my channel, Everyday Blessings as the host.

Riddles For Kids #1
You can touch me, but I cant touch you back. You can see me, but I only reflect you and can never reject you What am I? Answer: A Mirror

Riddles For Kids #2
Pepper have stepped on me, but not many. I never stay full for long. I have a dark side. What am I? Answer: The Moon

Riddles for Kids #3
I am always running, but never get tired or hot. What am I? A refrigerator

Riddles for Kids #4
I have a head much smaller than my long neck. People who okay with me pick at me and that’s fine. What am i? Answer: A guitar

Riddles for Kids #5
I sound like I could cut you but I’m actually quite comfortable. I can be green or yellow. I can be stiff or soft. I am a friend to bugs and also bare feet. What am I? Answer: a blade of grass.

Not everyday is easy, but everyday is a blessing.

Raising Grateful Kids In an Entitled World by Kristen Welch:


I wrote a book!
Beginner’s Guide To Homeschooling Workbook:


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