11/17/20 TUE: Commies Destroy and 'Build Back Better'; Lots of Calls!

4 years ago

0:00 What I'll cover
5:41 Let's get started
8:02 Confederate tee
12:16 Jacinda Ardern
20:28 David Graeber
29:00 Super Chats: Fraud
34:54 Super Chats: Reparations?
41:27 False start with Russ
43:44 Earl from MI
53:50 Russ from VA
1:06:38 More Super Chats
1:08:46 Break!
1:11:45 Scam-demic fallout
1:15:49 Skip in Augusta, GA
1:25:56 Maze in Dayton, OH
1:36:56 Yet more Super Chats
1:38:21 Carl in TN
1:43:38 Mary in San Antonio, TX
1:49:50 Obama social media
1:52:44 Jason in Long Island, NY
1:57:08 Trick in MT
2:00:34 Thanks, all!

The Hake Report, Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand, Build Back Better, with females and LGBTQ and anti-whites. Labor = commie = anarchist like Graeber (sp)
SCAM-demic! ODing, Obesity, new normal, Thxgiving, Xmas…
Election MESS: 2600 uncounted ballots, ⅔ for Trump. Will PA ballot certification be blocked in court today? Dominion in bed w/ gov’t, Clinton Foundation, Pelosi staffer
Social Media is sick: FB, Twitter…
Opening: Harry Styles not the only one. Lil Nas X making out with himself in photo.
Also check out Hake News from today.

Russ from Virginia is James’ male Maze… His phone’s messed up.
Earl from Michigan argues with James.
Back to Russ… Russ and James yell at each other, and James keeps him on a bit long.
Skip from Augusta, GA really doesn’t understand many blacks; he talks Covid and work.
Maze from Dayton, OH asks why James ignores whites but lumps blacks with criminals.
Carl from Tennessee will send James a tip on Jeffrey D.; Joe Biden is a commie! (Far-left "fact checkers" deny the "Three Red Banners" reference but you recognize a tree by its fruit!)
Mary from San Antonio, TX hopes President Trump beats this suspected election fraud.
Jason from Long Island, NY says James is too nice (weak) to Earl, Maze, etc.
Trick from Montana thinks that the world will suffer in Johannesburg, South Africa falls

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2020/11/17/111720-tue-commies-destroy-and-build-back-better-lots-of-calls

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church with for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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