06.15.22 - TwoSistas - WealthWellnessWednesday with Alex Spicer

2 years ago

TwoSistas and it’s WealthWellnessWednesday with Alex Spicer! Alex is the anti-diet dietitian who uses intuitive eating to help women heal from disordered eating and chronic dieting. Alex learned at a very young age the effects of heart disease and diabetes. She herself struggled with an eating disorder and knows first hand how difficult it can be to ditch the dieting mindset and trust your body.

Alex believes in “intuitive eating”. We put too many rules and restrictions that are associated with food consumption. As Janis relayed, there is such an emotional attachment to food and that’s where tuning in to what your body is telling you is the key. Alex’s philosophy is based on what, when and how much to eat. “Listen” to your body.

Alex coaches her clients on her 3-phase Intuitive Eating process:

Body Image - where do our stories come from? Accepting ourselves, our bodies “as is”.

Listening - Alex shares her thoughts on mindful eating - this is part of understanding the “why”. She often asks her clients, what are your signals?

Learning how to nourish your body. We often put too many restrictions.

Alex also shared her views on fitness from a non-diet lens. Fitness does not have to be organized and you don’t have to go to the gym for hours. Get into some type of “joyful” movement. Take your focus off of weight and calories!

Alex also shared how important it is to surround yourself with communities that support you where you are in your journey.

Thank you so much Alex! To learn more about Alex and to connect with her further, please check out her website and Instagram page:



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