We either have having itching ears

2 years ago

We either have having itching ears of - 2 TIMOTHY 4:3 or ears to respond - 1 SAMUEL 3:9-10 Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening
GENESIS 6:13-18- Noah had ears to receive instructions to do something which was never done with no proof of History how to make it God gave Him wisdom like - Bezalel and Oholiab in EXODUS 31:2,6 - I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills

GENESIS 12:1 – Abram had ears to receive instructions to pack everything and move without knowledge of precise location of land I will show you of - GENESIS 12:1
GENESIS 13:10- 14 – lot and his wife had itching ears for sounds of Sodom - GENESIS 19:26 even when death was breath away.

1 SAMUEL 23:17 – Jonathan had ears to receive instructions from God in his Spirit that David will be next King of Israel and did a prophetic act in obedience by giving 1 SAMUEL 18:4-6 The robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt.

Saul had itching ears to hear people praising him like of - 1 SAMUEL 18:6-8 and willing to disobey Gods command and clear instructions to destroy all - 1 SAMUEL 15:24

ACTS 9:17 – Ananias had ears to receive instructions to lay Hands on the one who came to lay hands on bride of Christ to sow the seed to become significant sufferer for the Gospel of Jesus Christ - 2 CORINTHIANS 11:23 -28
Balaam’s who had both and instructions ears - NUMBERS 22:38
itching ears - NUMBERS 25:1-3

ACTS 8:13 - Simon had ears to receive instructions to believed and was baptized but he never lost his desire for itching ears of - ACTS 8:9-11 and assumes like the world and its system to buy with money Holy Spirit God - ACTS 8:19 as a performing act

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