Covid-19 Dr Scott Atlas Lockdowns Killed People 6-15-2022

2 years ago

Covid-19 Dr Scott Atlas Lockdowns Killed People

Dr. Scott Atlas: The Reality Is The Lockdowns Killed People

•Lockdowns pushed 130M people into abject poverty.
•400,000 new deaths from Tuberculosis.
•Tens of millions more babies dying of malaria.
•325,000 Americans skipped chemo in Spring 2020.
•50% of heart attack/strokes did not call ambulance.
•65% to 75% of cancer screenings missed.
•85% of living organ transplants not done.
•300% increase in teenage self-harm.
•200% to 300% increase in teenage anxiety and depression.
•52% of college-aged kids gained unwanted 28 pounds in 2020.

Stanford study published in January 2021
1. Did a maticulous examination of lockdowns from all around the world.
2. Lockdowns failed to stop the spread of the infection.
3. In the words of Johnny Inedes (sp?) said the lockdowns were pro-contagion.
4. Author Ben David and Johnny Inedes is the co-author.
5. A study put out in June 2021 said Augural of USC (sp?) National Bureau of Economic Research. He studied 40 countries. The lockdowns did not stop the deaths, but worse than that, the lockdowns increased the deaths. He saw in some nations that deaths were going down until the lockdowns were implemented, then the deaths increased. The lockdowns were a gross failure. The lockdowns were an abuse of power and it was a massively destructive process on low-income people and their families.
6. The elites are in charge and they will not discuss this information.
7. Florida beat two-thirds of the other states in excess mortality above and beyond what you would have had without the pandemic.
8. It beat the overall deaths per capita by forty percent.
9. It is not the job of Florida to prove they did better by not locking down. It is the job of the other states who did implement lockdowns to prove they did better.

10. Florida has the 5th largest population of elderly people so Florida should be more vulnerable to having deaths from Covid. California is the 7th youngest state. Florida beat out California in every single metric which is meaningful in the lockdown.

Florida beat California Age ajusted Covid mortality for all populations.
Florida beat California Age adjusted Covid mortality for people over 65.
Florida beat California in excess mortality.

California is the most stringent state for lockdowns and Florida is the least stringent for lockdowns, but Florida did much better than California. There is no meaningful data to support the other side.

Sweden did the ninth best of thirty-two European countries in excess mortality. Remember, you don’t have to do better to say that the lockdowns should not have been done. Sweden did not do the lockdown, kept its schools open and did not require masks in schools.

Finland did better than Sweden and had even less restrictions.

Also, please see this article posted on the website which states Covid-19 is generally a fraud and unlawfully killed many people. Here is the link:

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