(雙語字幕)The Story of My Father (VII) 我的父親(第七集)

4 years ago

My Quit the CCP Declaration: a reflection of how I was deceived by the Chinese Communist Party into joining it, and how I woke up.
The Chinese nation has been occupied and possessed by the CCP evil specter for too long and is therefore critically “ill.” For an ill person, or for somebody who is controlled by a foreign specter, nobody would ask, “What will this person do without his illness or specter?”
Previous episodes: 前六集链接:EP1: https://youtu.be/n4wdO3dgxyo, EP2: https://youtu.be/MCHrQyTJjYk, EP3: https://youtu.be/aDgPKLBU9nE, EP4:https://youtu.be/jenxaBEb97g, EP5: https://youtu.be/yGgMrGNVIWI, EP6: https://youtu.be/Uug46RjFQ6g

#OralHistory #Father #FalunGong,

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