Big Government vs Small Government: Gravel Institute Doesn't Understand Corporatism

4 years ago

The Gravel Institute doesn't understand corporatism. In this argument on big government vs small government the woman tries to defend the position of big government, it clearly shows she doesn't understand where cronyism stems from.

She strangely believes that you can somehow have big government and avoid having a self-serving government at the same time, as well as having a benevolant government if only we just had the right politicians in power. It all sounds wonderful and everything, but history doesn't agree with she believes in. Nowhere in world history have you ever saw a mixed economy whereby the state serves the people. Much like that of Britain, we ended up with self-serving governments over the years because of so much dependency upon the state.

As I have argued, public ownership in the real world is state ownership and so long as the state has the power to tax you and manage your economic life, it will always do for what it feels best for them. Something I left out that I should add, the economic calculation problem leaves the government with no other option but to either give up on all the socialism or carry on with the attitude of thinking it knows best for people over that of the people. After all, without the information of profits and losses it is impossible to serve the needs and wants of the people.

The difference between big government vs small government is that small government can at least be held accountable for its actions unlike big government. The very reason why we live under corporatism, or more technically speaking, corporatocracy is because of all the government intervention in the economy.

People at the Gravel Institute are completely lost when it comes to their misunderstanding of corporatism. They fail to comprehend that corporatism is in favour of big government, as I argue, this is what the big corporations lobby government for, more government regulations to stamp out the competition of the smaller businesses.

As always, the woman is well-intentioned, she means well, but doesn't understand what Thomas Jefferson stood for and I've never understood why today's big government advocate "liberals" associate themselves with Jefferson, the man was a classical liberal who strongly opposed centralised powers to the Federal government.

If you wish to learn more on the fault of her argument, you can check out this excellent blog post that covers the faults of her arguments on big government:

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