A Dram with Tim Lynn X 2!

4 years ago

Today on this New Eve’s Special Edition, we welcome three generations of Lynns, granddad Tim Lynn, son Sean Lynn, our host and grandson Tim (TJ) Lynn. Grandpa pours himself a Highland Park Dark Origins Single Malt Scotch and young TJ is drinking an Bushmills Red Bush Irish Whiskey while Sean rounds it up with a dram of Teeling Small Batch Irish Whiskey which he opened up for just the right occasion.

So what happens when you mix the Lynns, a no nonsense ex-cop and live a recording? The unexpected, that’s what happens. If you want to find out what was kept and what was left on the cutting floor, you have to listen to the final cut. Reminisce with these men as they look back on their most precious possessions; their family. Learn how Sean was born, what were Tim’s earliest memories and how their favorite saints have worked miracles in their lives, very literally saving them from death. Lastly, find out why Scotch is so sacred to them as they toast to one more year.
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