A Dram with John Chick

4 years ago

In honour of John and his birthday, Sean joins John in a dram of Alberta Springs Rye. Surprise, Jeff Cavins drops in to say Happy Birthday.

Hear how this humble warrior has been made stronger by the cross he bears. This former NFLer and CFLer is on fire for the Lord and it rages when he speaks of Him. He shares of the jackpot he struck in his wife and family and especially in God’s providence. Find out who between the two spouses, which one is the Saint making machine. John reminds us to keep our eye on the prize Jesus Christ, the “Life, the Truth and the Way.” No matter how much you think you gotta do it yourself, He will provide and our intercessors are all around us. John himself has been surprised by the Saints who have interceded for him in 2020. Find out more by watching this episode.
#Catholicmen #Godsquad #Catholicwhiskey

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