Warning ⚠️ The Ultimate MTF Reality Change Subliminal!

2 years ago

I am now shifting to a reality where I have always been a female, you are now shifting to a reality where you have always been a female, I now have a fully functional vagina, you now have a fully functional vagina, my penis and balls will retract and be absorbed into my vagina, your penis and balls will retract and be absorbed into your vagina, once my penis has been fully absorbed, my formal penis skin will fully transform into a vaginal opening, once your penis has been fully absorbed, your formal penis skin will fully transform into a vaginal opening, my body will lower in testosterone, your body will lower in testosterone, my body will increase in estrogen, your body will increase in estrogen, if desired I will have symmetrical double j cup breasts, if desired you will have symmetrical double j cup breasts, my breasts will rapidly continue to expand and get larger until they are my desired cup size, your breasts will rapidly continue to expand and get larger until they are your desired cup size, my breasts now have mammary glands, your breasts now have mammary glands, my male reproductive system will fully transform into a female reproductive system, your male reproductive system will fully transform into a female reproductive system, I will have natural, light, and painless periods, you will have natural, light, and painless periods, my balls are now fully transforming and converting into ovaries, your balls are now fully transforming and converting into ovaries, I now have a high pitch feminine voice, you now have a high pitch feminine voice, I now have a siren singing voice, you now have a siren singing voice, I will have a completely hairless body, you will have a completely hairless body, all my facial hairs will fall out, disappear from existence, and never grow back, all your facial hairs will fall out, disappear from existence, and never grow back, my body now has a small bone structure, your body now has a small bone structure, my body will grow or shrink until it’s my desired height, your body will grow or shrink until it’s your desired height, I now have a small waist, you now have a small waist, Everyone that I have ever known or met will now remember me as always being a girl since birth, everyone that you have ever known or met will now remember you as always being a girl since birth, I am now fully transforming into a biological woman, you are now fully transforming into a biological woman, my body will now perform and carry out all normal c, i, s, girl functions, your body will now perform and carry out all normal c, i, s, girl functions, if desired I will have the ability to become pregnant, if desired you will have the ability to become pregnant, if desired I will have a painless pregnancy and delivery, if desired you will have a painless pregnancy and delivery, everyone that I have ever known or met will now call me by my desired name and feminine pronouns, everyone that you have ever known or met will now call you by your desired name and feminine pronouns, all my facial features will now resemble a sexy, slim female, all your facial features will now resemble a sexy, slim female, I will now have the facial structure of a biological female, you will now have the facial structure of a biological female, I am now immune to my Adam’s apple, you are now immune to your Adam’s apple, I am now free of my Adam’s apple, you are now free of your Adam’s apple, I will have my desired body weight, you will have your desired body weight, If desired I will have a jumbo large bubble butt, If desired you will have a jumbo large bubble butt, if desired my butt cheeks will continue to expand and get larger until they resemble my desired size, if desired your butt cheeks will continue to expand and get larger until they resemble your desired size, I now have sexy and symmetrical feminine thighs, you now have sexy and symmetrical feminine thighs, my finger nails and toenails will fully become feminine, your finger nails and toenails will fully become feminine, I now have a feminine mindset and personality, you now have a feminine mindset and personality, my hair will now change to it’s desired color and grow or shrink to it’s desired height and length, your hair will now change to it’s desired color and grow or shrink to it’s desired height and length, my hair will now have its desired thickness, your hair will now have its desired thickness, I now have the chromosomes of a genetic female, you now have the chromosomes of a genetic female, I am now a female at the cellular level, you are now a female at the cellular level,

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