Hang and Bang 10 Point Bowhunt I Team Radical

4 years ago

As a bowhunter, sometimes you have to get aggressive when the time is right. Bowhunting a deer of this caliber typically consists of few opportunities, so when they present one, you have to act fast. Justin Roepke (Co-Owner of Wildlife Management Trees), did just that by switching setups three times before 10 a.m. By using his OnX Hunt app, he carefully put a pin where he needed to get to and would wheel near the setup. Setting up at his final stand Justin was within 40 yards of this bedded buck in the Real World Wildlife Seed Switchgrass. It's truly incredible how he was able to set everything up with the buck being bedded so close. Without question, Justin earned his best buck to date by being aggressive when the time was right.

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G5 Outdoors: https://www.g5outdoors.com/
Prime Archery: https://www.g5prime.com/
Real World Wildlife Products: https://www.realworldwildlifeproducts...
Lone Wolf Treestands: https://www.lonewolfhuntingproducts.com/
onX Hunt: https://www.onxmaps.com/
LaCrosse Footwear: https://www.lacrossefootwear.com/
Green Mountain Grills: https://greenmountaingrills.com/
Tactacam: https://www.tactacam.com/

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