朋克、摇滚、说唱、雷鬼、乡村、回响、低音,都是撒旦之语 (warningthepeople)Punk, Rock, Rap, Reggae, Country, Dubstep, Bass, Satanic Tongues

2 years ago

Punk, Rock, Rap, Reggae, Country, Dubstep, Bass, Satanic Tongues

2019年12月29日发布 •https://www.youtube.com/shorts/t-Z6OiCPRGo
Punk, Rock, Rap, Reggae, Country, Dubstep, Bass, Satanic Tongues
sATAN uses music of the pop-culture and also underground musicians to lead young people to HELL. Most music is owned by sATAN because he owns the musicians that are making that music. Music such as Rock, Punk, Raga, Hard-Core, Meal, Rock&Roll… These sorts of musicians or rappers are NOT of God. Jesus did NOT call us to be Christian rappers or rockers, Jesus called us to be separate from the world, to live HOLY and to MAKE DISCIPLES. Don’t give your ear to sATAN, be separate from worldly music. May the grace of Jesus be with you.


warningthepeople 2019年12月29日发布


撒旦正在利用流行文化的音乐和地下音乐人将年轻人引向地狱。 大多数音乐都是属撒旦的,制作这些音乐的音乐人都归在撒旦旗下。 摇滚Rock、朋克Punk、拉格Raga、硬核Hard-Core、金属Metal、摇滚Rock&Roll等音乐......这些音乐人或说唱歌手都不属于上帝。 耶稣没有呼召我们成为基督教的说唱歌手或摇滚歌手,耶稣呼召我们与世界分开,过圣洁的生活,使人做他的门徒。 不要把耳朵交给撒旦,要与世俗音乐分开。 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

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