Why the Inner Child Impacts Your Sexual Addiction

2 years ago

In this quick clip, Barbara interviews Dr. Eddie Capparucci about why the inner child impacts one's sexual addiction.

According to Dr. Eddie, the key to recovery from a sexual or pornography addiction goes through your childhood. Why? He explains, it's because it's your own inner child who is running the show. This conversation explains why the inner child truly does impact your sexual addiction. The end of the conversation offers solutions, resources and healing opportunities for you or the person you may know suffering from a sexual or porn addiction.

To learn more about Dr. Eddie Capparucci at https://abundantlifecounselingga.com/ or https://seekingintegrity.com/about-us/staff/dr-eddie-capparucci/

IMPORTANT: If you feel you might have a sexual addiction and/or pornography addiction then please reach out to Dr. Eddie Capparucci today for healing and referrals. I invite you to check out all of Dr. Eddie Capparucci's books on Amazon.

To book a Free Discovery Call with Life Coach Barbara visit www.barbaralapointe.com

This is a vitally important topic inflicting many humans. It's time to heal in all ways. I invite you to leave your constructive and compassionate comments below. Sending out healing to the planet, Barbara La Pointe
Host of the Healing Broken Families Podcast

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