Let's Hear it for the Dads! 6-14-22

2 years ago

Abortion loving liberals causing insurrection at the Supreme Court and Dad’s always getting a bad rap from these same clowns. Baby Formula Shortage Worsens - Special Needs Mom and Author, Kelly Speck and her husband Travis shares their experience. Check out her book 'Hope in the Heartache: The Journey of Grace and Growth with a Special Needs Child ', Also, recapping the true meaning behind the #JohnnyDepp and #AmberHeard trial with Ann Silvers, she is author of Abuse OF men BY Women: It Happens, it Hurts, and it's Time to Get Real About it. Silvers is a counselor, relationship coach, and analyst living in Washington State. Satellite Phone Store is a great new sponsor on the show and founder Chris Hoar is here to give important insight to the company and why this is so important today.

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