Tech Tuesday 10: Linux Malware? What???? No big deal, tho, for most of us.

2 years ago

Tech Tuesday 10:

Linux Symbiote Malware... uh oh...
Libre Office point release... lots of fixes
Product Spot
Free Kali Linux Penetration Testing Training

#techfreedom #technews #techtips #linux #Foss #security

Tech Tuesday 10-1:

#techtuesday #techfreedom #Foss #linux #security


Slow your roll. Choose to be deliberate rather than running on autopilot all of the time. Be conscious of your options and choices today. The bottom line is that we each need to learn how to take the moment to respond to situations rather than simply reacting to them.

#presence #consciousliving #slowdown #breathe

Tech Tuesday 10-2:

#TechFreedom #technews #techtuesday #Linux #FOSS

Premium package for degoogled phones from Tech Freedom. 2-day shipping, screen protector, phone case, Faraday bag, and up to15 pre-installed apps of your choice.

#TechFreedom #liberatedphone #degoogled #degoogleyourlife #productspot

Tech Tuesday 10-3:

#techfreedom #techtuesday #techtips #linux #Kali #training

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