Move 401k to Gold - Satori Traders

2 years ago

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Based on the search volume for “move 401k to Gold” and related terms like “how to move 401k to Gold without penalty”, it is clear that many people have money in 401k accounts and they would like to move that money into Precious metals.

Unfortunately, the IRS is very restrictive about what investors can do with their 401k money.

For example, money in an active 401k cannot be moved out of the 401k and into another Retirement account.

This is very different than the rules for Retirement accounts like IRA, 401b, 457, TSP, etc.

With those tax-advantaged accounts investors are free to move their retirement savings from one account to another without triggering any taxes or penalties but, for some reason, the IRS doesn’t permit that with active 401ks.

This video is the third in a series addressing how to move 401k accounts into Gold:

Video 1: “How to move 401k to Gold without penalty”
Video 2: “How to move 401k to Gold”
Video 3: “Move 401k to Gold”

All of these videos can be found on the Satori Traders channel.

FTC Disclosure: Satori Traders is a fee-only California-registered Investment Advisor. We provide Precious metals information for free to help consumers educate themselves. The contents of this video do not constitute financial advice. Satori Traders provides financial advice exclusively to clients with assets under management as detailed in our Investment Management Agreement. Always perform your own analysis and due diligence when putting your hard-earned money at risk. Before making any Investment decision consult your own Investment, Financial, Tax, and Legal advisors. These professionals will make recommendations appropriate for your personal circumstances and tolerance for risk. We receive compensation from external companies when you do business with them.

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