INFURIATING - The Police Killed Breonna Taylor in Shooting - Lady and the Mannequin True Crime Case

3 years ago

INFURIATING - The Police Killed Breonna Taylor in Shooting - Lady and the Mannequin True Crime Case

#breonna #taylor


Breonna Taylor was killed after a search warrant was executed by Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison and Myles Cosgrove. Her boyfriend Kenneth Walker acted in self defence having thought someone broke into their apartment in the middle of the night. No one announced themselves as police before forcefully gaining entry and opening fire .
Breonna Taylor was an innocent person who fell victim yet again to police abuse of power and abuse of force.
And yet again we see these police officers are not being brought to justice !!!


I don’t mean to be disrespectful to anyone I talk about in this video and this video is for educational purposes only, and everything I am about to say is information I gathered online and put together in one video.

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