Chris Langan - How Do I Get Rid Of A Demon? - CTMU (Notes)

3 years ago

In this early teleconference, Chris discusses what individuals can do on a personal level to combat evil and avoid being acquired by the satanic egregore or the numerous other negative thought-forms that have gained strength in recent years (corporate greed, zionism, mental illness, addiction, victimhood, sexual deviance, etc.). While we always encourage prayer as a lifelong way to strengthen our relationship with Source, we must not neglect the power that He gave us: Free Will

It does no good to simply pray and wait passively for God to answer our prayers. God needs active telors (local agents) and we need to do our part. We pray for the strength to exert our free will in a teleologically positive direction and follow that with action, resolve, and determination to stay the path. If the demon still nags at you, ask yourself why you are hesitant to let it go? Make those changes to your life that encourage positivity and resist the easy road. We are working on a CTMU-based Holistic Healing and Recovery program and you will hear more about that in future videos. God Bless!

Many thanks to editor Fares Barry.

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