Alan Watt - "Wanted: Pro Psychopaths a Shoe In" 6.12.22

2 years ago

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

"Wanted: Professional Psychopaths a Shoe-in,
Sell Your Soul to the U.N."

[Original Broadcast Oct. 27, 2009] Marketing and Propaganda, Bernays, Selling Wars, Fake News - Carroll Quigley, Filling in the Gaps in History - Collective Management, Enemy is Individuality - Elite Living "High on the Hog" - Charles Galton Darwin, Creation of Perfected Form of Slavery - Pharma-Military-Industrial Complex - Deaths of Microbiologists - Cries of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" - Penalties for Not "Toeing the Line" - Targeting Groups and Leaders to Work for an Agenda - Parallel Government of Bankers' Foundations and Funded NGOs - United Nations departments, Governance (Collectivism, Rule by Experts) - ADM-Monsanto's Genetically-Modified Vegetable Diet - "Preventative Health" for Totalitarian Control, Surveillance, Intervention - British Commonwealth, Dominions of London - Big Pharma, Guaranteed Sales from Govt. - Rigged Drug Prices, Massive Vaccine Profits - Sweden, Deaths from Swine Flu Shot - Media Coordination, News Blitzes, Authority Figures - Lord Stern Pushes for World Vegetarianism to "Save the Planet" - Separate Elite Food Supply - Copenhagen Summit, 2012, Rise of UN.


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