Be Bold As Lions | #H3Bomb

2 years ago

Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

When a wicked person is confronted with their wickedness, when truth stares them in the face, they shrink away. A wicked person puts on airs, when in reality he or she is cowardly. Spineless against adversity. A righteous person is more steadfast. Christians know that ultimate righteousness, which leads to everlasting life, comes from God. This doesn’t mean that only Christians do righteous deeds. But we who are Christians give credit to God above, to His son Jesus for His righteousness that he imparts.

The intent of this video is not to preach a gospel message, though I’d prefer to be doing that above all else. I wanted to share a brief message to the public. To my local community, to my state, West Virginia, and to the whole nation. Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Jews, Buddhists…Black, White, Brown, Red...the rights of Americans of all backgrounds and cultures is being eroded. And that erosion has been going on for some time. Those rights violations which, in my opinion, are the most egregious are those which harm children. Those which lead to their murders, abuses, traumas, and confusions.

*Here is a quick review of a FEW rights we recognize that all humans have:

Very first paragraph of the Constitution:

“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

*Posterity means “your children,” or those “descended from you.”

Amendment 1 to the Constitution of the United States:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; of abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment V partial quote:

No person shall“…be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…”

*Unborn children are people and deserving of all the same rights as everyone. Science, philosophy, psychology, and theology, when practiced and discussed honestly, always leads to that conclusion.

*Slavery of children, in its various abusive and degrading forms, is active. Human trafficking is, unfortunately, thriving in our nation and more should be done than what we are seeing and hearing now.

*It is my opinion, and others share this view, that abuse isn’t so easily spotted, but has taken more public forms of late. Disguised as compassionate, protective, inclusive, safe, and scientific…there are children being abused by the very government agencies, corporations, and even healthcare professionals who claim to be looking out for their good.

I think too many people in our country have danced around feelings for far too long. There is a darkness that targets children. It’s been there for ages, and has done so in different ways for thousands of years. Dark forces aren’t doing new things, but things that have been done before. These evils continue the cycle of attacks on children by hiding under different names and definitions. And what better way to hide than to do it under a benevolent pretense. Satan himself transforms into an angel of light.

I oppose abortion because it is murder. I oppose human trafficking because it is illegal to own people as property and to abuse them. I oppose indoctrinating children with lies that they can become a different sex or gender. I oppose over-sexualizing children. I abhor Marxist and Communist lies such as Critical Race Theory, or Critical Gender Theory that are designed to destroy Christian, Western, and wholesome family values. I hate government overreach treading on us as if we should just fall in line and let the establishment do what’s “best for us.” 

I aim to combat the trampling of our Constitutional rights and hold all of our public servants more accountable. They answer to us. To me and to you. I could really use some allies.

Stay tuned everyone, because I plan to have more content coming. I have decided to steer parts of my channels in a more serious direction. To speak about news, insights, advice, opinions, and education. I want to connect with other likeminded Americans. If you’re not already subscribed to me on Youtube or Rumble, please do so. Be sure to set your notifications to tell you when I create new content. Give each video a like, rumble, and a comment. Please share them with others.

*To tackle modern problems facing our children we’re all going to have to be bold as lions. Peace!

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