20220614 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

Today is Flag Day.
I'm Peter Serefine with today's Liberty Minute.
The Stars and Stripes of the American Flag is among the most recognized symbols in the world.
Old Glory protectively flies over US Embassies and American ships all over the planet, and she flies in conquest on the moon. Love of country compels merchants to fly her on main streets nationwide.
To much of the world, the American Flag symbolizes freedom, liberation, and independence.
To gold star families, the Flag is a teary-eyed reminder of their loss.
Men from all class levels and walks of life have died wearing the flag on their shoulders so that we and our children can live in peace and security.
So, if she is a banner of the finest silk or tattered from long service, long may she wave.
Find a full speech for Flag Day at Liberty-Lighthouse.com
Until tomorrow, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum.

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