BIG Illinois buck in the back yard while I'm in the hot tub!

4 years ago

Nov 17, 2020. Well, if your deer hunting luck is about like mine than you will surely enjoy this video! LOL. I've been after this big buck since late October but he has outsmarted me thus far every step of the way! I hunted on Nov 16, 2020 and did have a great hunt and saw lots of great bucks! If you missed that deer vlog here it is:
BIG ILLINOIS bucks deer vlog Nov 16, 2020:
So, then I decided to take a day off and rest up, which puts us at Nov 17, 2020. That brings us to today's deer vlog and story, which is usually how it goes; A day late and a dollar short!! So, on the evening of Nov 17, 2020 I was sitting in my hot tub, which is outside on the patio, literally in view of this Big Illinois buck! But I was paying attention to watching a Dan Bongino show! So, while I was in the hot tub Mrs. Kapper saw this great buck out back in my house food plot. This is a fall brassica plot, as well as a clover food plot to boot. Join us for the fun vlog as well as some other clips of big bucks seen on our farm here in Southern Illinois, a sneak peek of an upcoming deer vlog and more. Not quite Midwest Whitetail, bowhunt or die, or the hunting public, but this is about as real time as you can get with current Deer vlogs from our Southern Illinois farm! Thank you for joining us we hope that you will consider subscribing to follow all of our deer hunting adventures, our Illinois and Kentucky land management projects, Kioti tractor projects, food plots, wildlife ponds, watering holes, wildlife habitat improvement projects, wildlife conservation projects, our Kentucky farmhouse rehab project, and much more country living adventure. Kapper Outdoors, living the dream, one acre at a time.

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