04.17.22 "Easter – Making Resurrection Practical & Relevant" – Rev. Tony Ponticello

2 years ago

We all know the Easter story. Jesus was brought up before Jerusalem's leader Pilate on trumped up charges of insurrection and sedition. Pilate sent Jesus to the Roman governor Herod, because Pilate didn't want to be the one to make the final call. Herod sent Jesus back to Pilate, basically signing off on whatever Pilate decided. Then Pilate, pushed on by the populace mob, condemned Jesus to death by crucifixion. So Jesus was crucified – but then something extraordinary happened, something MIRACULOUS. Jesus' body disappeared from the tomb where it was laid, and a resurrected Jesus started making appearances and giving advanced teachings. Eventually the resurrected Jesus was assumed bodily into Heaven and was seen physically no more. "Yet it is [the Teachers of God's] mission to become perfect here, and so they teach perfection over and over in many, many ways until they have learned it. And then they are seen no more, although their thoughts remain a source of strength and truth forever." (Mn.In.5) His apostles picked up Jesus' message of healing and love and eventually a new religious movement named Christianity formed. We ACIM students are modern day disciples of Jesus and we are carrying his updated message of healing and love to a new generation of humans. Celebrate and reconsecrate your dedication to this mission and message this Sunday with the Community Miracles Center at our Easter Sunday Gathering. Rev. Tony will give a modern day resurrection message. 25 min. SUBSCRIBE & SHARE

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