Testimony of a Fighter in the Storm - 02/21/2021 at 11pm UTC (6 pm EST)

3 years ago

This ultimate war for the liberation of Mankind is fought on many fronts, realms and densities at the same time. We are living through the prophetic times of the ancient traditions, and we all came to play a part in it.
This is the testimony of a Shaman who joined combat with the US soldiers and the forces of the Earth-Extraterrestrial Alliance, as part of the clearing of the Deep Underground Military Bases. This man fought in the depth under Montauk and found himself face to face with creatures beyond frightening, but he encountered as well the soldiers from the contingents of the Galactic Federation. All begun when an elegant metallic Pleiadean scout ship physically landed behind his house. After the pilot made contact with him, this man embraced his duty at heart. His story is breathtaking. Fasten your seatbelts...

---music credits: Children of Dub https://childrenofdub.com/albums/esp
---If you want to contact Starchild, you can in the comments of this video :)

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