QA Live-March 16/2021 - 23:55pm UTC

3 years ago

Let's chat about anything & everything!
Except politics, pointy needles, alien invasions, Ashtar cult, christians in space, flat planet or comic agencies. Let's talk instead about actual real stuff. And, I DON'T KNOW when the medbeds will be operational in your village, where is Tom Hanks, and regarding to this question asked to me several times a day: NO, I don't sell Merkabas, but you can find a lot on internet. Oh and I don't answer private questions, I don't know from which planet everyone is.

TRANSLATION: click cc / settings / subtitles / auto-translate. Use drop-down to chose language.

---This is Stephen's interview:
---Me speaking about it to Michael Salla:

---Visit my website if you are interested by my workshops:

---"A Gift From The Stars" is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

---Mantra essential oils for Chakra balancing:

---To contact Elisa Herrera for a Quantum Hypnosis session:

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