To unsung heroes and unconditional love

3 years ago

There is unfortunately a lot of work at the moment put to destroy the reputation of the benevolent Galactic Federation of Worlds, because the people of Earth are starting to understand that they can ask assistance to the Galactic Federation of Worlds and it doesn't please the Dark Ones. In a war, destroying the reputation of your enemy and discourage their troops, is always a typical move. They are scared, but it's ok to be scared.
I honour those who saved my life as a child and who are working hard saving lives. Those who have maintained humanity alive all this time against our own mistakes and against invaders. They love us unconditionally and above it, they serve justice and balance. They warned us many times against the power of trickery of the Orion Greys and the Ciakahrr reptilians. These species can mess up with your mind and they are actually manipulating a lot of people. The Galactic Federation of Worlds have been looking after us since a very long time, with the love of a family. Anything that is said against them is the work of the malevolent beings who have infiltrated our society. Their method has always been to spread confusion. Greys and Reptilians are VERY deceitful and can really mess up with your mind. Don't listen to anything speaking against the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the only ones who can help us.
The army of Light has awakened and we all see each other, now. It is exhilarating to join forces. We have the blessings and the protection of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and nothing can now turn us away from our mission. Not even chaos and confusion, not even fear. Fear is the illusion, the "mindtrix" created to enslave people's mind, but the people awakens, and the more the Dark Ones try to subdue us, the more we wake up. They cannot win this war, because we are aware, and we, the people, have the power. We have the power to say NO to the tricks and manipulations of the Deep State. We need now to grow up and UNITE. One planet, one species. Time has come, Humanity is ready to heal from its past, and what was hidden no more dwells in the shadow. Let us reclaim what is ours. We have this power, it was never taken from us. It is time we wake up, open our eyes, and stand up! The benevolent galactic races are not here to save us like super-heroes, but they are here to help us saving ourselves. What the benevolent galactic community awaits from us is that we wake up and realise that we have the power of free will, and that we are much more powerful than we have been conditioned to believe. They are watching our back, protecting us in secret, and they have so many times by the past avoided Humanity of Earth to blow themselves up. But they cannot rescue ourselves against our will. We have a window of opportunity, right now, when we can still wake up and take back control of our planet. If we fail in this task, then we will never, ever be able again to free ourselves up from slavery. We may then be rescued if we fall, but then we will not have evolved; because we will have missed the step on the ladder of our evolution in consciousness, and we'll have to go through this again one day or another. The Galactic Federation of Worlds, the Councils of Five & of Andromeda will never let us down. These wise beings who work hard to keep us alive are waiting that we finally wake up.
We have free will! We always had it, all the time! We were made believe that we didn't and were raised as slaves in fear and obedience. It is about time we reclaim our world. We need to realise we have power.
In 1954, a few decided on behalf of the many, who were unaware that this decision was taking place, because the lives of the many were the price paid in exchange for the deal. The Orion Grey Alliance sent a contingent to Earth. Their deceiving tactic, recurrently orchestrated by their masters on many worlds, was to pretend that their race was dying and that they needed genetic material in exchange for some warfare technology. Picking a greedy group in power, they sign agreements that they partially fulfil, and prepare ground for the arrival of their masters. They approached first the Nazis, who refused as they had already an agreement with the "Alliance", a malevolent group from Altair. This despicable practice is well known throughout the galaxy. The Galactic Federation of Worlds decided to take instant action by countering the offer before it was signed, bringing balance in the free choice of the Earthlings. They met with the same leaders and warned them about the malevolent tricks of the Greys, offering in balance peaceful, constructive technology. Eisenhower wished to make agreement with the benevolent emissaries, but the MJ12 signed behind his back with the devil with the blood of Humanity. If at this point the Galactic Federation had openly intervened, they would have transformed Earth into a fatal battlefield. Humanity always had free will, but when enslaved you are not aware of it.

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