Had a dream I saw Jesus and all the sodomites were mocking Him!!

2 years ago

I saw Jesus in my dream and He is tall and had a white robe on with a purple sash, and I looked and saw all the gays, lesbians, trans with the ugly rainbow flag and someone dressed up as Jesus and had a rainbow flag over him and they threw stuff at a cross and yelled what are you going to do huh!! They kissed each other in front of the cross and burned Bibles and laughed and said love is love!! They were so gross and mocking God!! Then God yells aboimnation what they are doing is aboimnation!! Marriage is between a man and woman not between men or women!! Jesus then said to me I am coming! I am coming!! I am coming now to get my bride!! God has had enough of the wicked and the sodomites mocking Him!! Beloved terrible times will come in the last days people will be sexually immoral, abusive, proud, boastful, without any love, mocking, scoffing, arrogant, disobedient to parents, hating things that are which of God, drunkard's, lovers of pleasure, lovers of money, lovers of every kind of falsehoods, they will have a form of godliness but denying it's power stay away from such people!! Outside are the dogs those who practice sexually immorality, drunkards, lovers of magic arts, abusers, liars, murderers, adulterers, lovers of pleasure and everyone who loves and practices falsehoods, dumbo Biden said jersalem is not the capital of Israel and it is!! God told Abraham I will give the land of Canaan to you and your descendents and you will live in the land I give you, what is your name! Jacob! You will no longer be known as Jacob but Israel for you have wrestled with a angel of the Lord and have lived! Then Stephen looked up and yelled you stubborn stiffnecked people with stubborn hearts and ears was there a prophet your father's did not persercute! They killed the ones talking about the promise of the Messiah and you have become his murderders and betrayers! You who have received the law given by angels and have not kept it, then all the teachers of the law and high priests nashed their teeth and rushed at Stephen and Stephen looked up and saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God and said look I see Jesus standing at the right hand of God!! They dragged Stephen out of the city and threw him down and threw their coats at the feet of Saul of Tarsus and threw stones to stone Stephen and Stephen yelled Jesus recieve my spirit! And he fell and said Lord do not hold this sin against them and died, the early church were Jews then the gentiles came in, Jesus will take only His bride out of this wicked satanic world and leave everyone else left behind! He will leave all dead lukewarm phony church people left behind, all the wicked he will leave behind ald and will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world and will destroy all the wicked!! America will be completely destroyed and gone and those left behind in America will be dead or in prison camps!! No one splits the land of Israel!! America is now a cursed rotten country now and will suffer God judgement!!

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